
RitaCall at a glance:

  • Easy sign up!
  • Lowest rate and best quality
  • NO contract!
  • NO connection fees!
  • No setup fee or monthly charges
  • Pay as much as you talk, not a cent more!
  • 24/7 online secure payment
  • 24/7 online account management

Sign Up for RitaCall - It's Free and Easy to Get Started

How does it work?

Step 1: Sign up online to create your account

Step 2: Buy credit online

Step 3: Dial one of our access numbers in your region

Step 4: Dial the phone number that you would like to call

See access numbers
Buy your phone credit online24hrs/ day7 days/ week

Who we are ?

Your reliable long distance phone service!

RitaCall is a telecommunication company that provides long distance telephone service to residential and commercial customers with extremely low rates. The quality of our connections is simply the best possible. The RitaCall network is supported by a 24/7 network-operation-centre, ensuring the constant quality of our service. Join us TODAY and save your time and money!
Thanks to the knowledge and insights we’ve developed over the years, we are able to offer our customers a comprehensive set of innovative solutions that fit where they are today and can grow with them into the future.
